There can be no denying the fact that COVID-19 has created a difficult time for the entire business community in the country and around the world. Keeping this scenario in mind will it be a wise decision to buy a home in present times?
Well, by all accounts it is indeed the right time to buy a home!
Think of it, RBI’s decision to slash down repo rates by 40 BPShas led to the total fall in repo rates since lockdown to 115 BPS. This has led to the rates today being as low as 4%.
EMI interest rate has also plummeted to 7.5% and is expected to fall further.
Multiple property developers have also come up with great offers for prospects to buy a new residential or commercial property, making it very lucrative and easy to make the purchase and sustain the purchase in trying times.
Buying a home in today’s times is also advisable as is a safe investment. The property purchased can be used by an individual to reside or can put it on rent or can sell it off, as and when they desire.
The above account clearly brings to fore the advantages of buying a home in present times. There can be no denying the fact that COVID-19 pandemic has created mayhem around the world but it has also created some opportunities. One of which is that it has made buying home very affordable.
There is no denying the fact that if you want to buy a home for yourself, then now is the time to go for it.