In many Indianstates like Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal as well as in Bangladesh, Nepal and Fiji where there is a sizeable Indian population it is very common to use ‘Bigha” as a term for land area measurement. However, it might come as a surprise that the understanding of the term differs in all these places.
Value of 1 Bigha in Different Indian States
What is Kuchcha & Pucca Bigha?
Though the table shows Kuchcha & Pucca Bighabeing used in Rajasthan only but the two units are also used in parts of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Though both these units were in vogue, kuchcha bigha was mostly used by zamindars (landlords) whendealing with their tenants. Both measurements were standardized by zamindars and varyfrom place to place.
Why do Bigha Varies in Different Parts of the Countries?
Standard land measurement units were introduced by French in 1778. Before that local land measurements were in practice. The old and familiar land measurement, Bigha, is still preferred by locals which is also the case with all other units of measurement used by natives.
Other Common Area Conversion Factors
Common Area Conversion Factors in the country present a very interesting scenario. Take a look.
Zone-Wise Understanding of Bigha
Bigha varies in measurement in different parts of the country. Take a look. It might come as a surprise to many that Bigha is not used as a unit for measuring land in South India.
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